
27. April 2014, review


Pribinia Cup 2014 is history, we enjoyed the time in Nitra even if we are not that amazed with the result, but thats competition flying:). We learned a lot and know were we have to improve our skills. Thanks for supporting us.
The next competition with two swiss juniors involved is already on, stay tuned for the impressions our boys will give you here.


Landung D2

26. April 2014, rain, rain, rain


today we have a ADT-task... assigned derig task with 10min time... 
greetings from rainy nitra


rainy Nitra

25. April 2014, restday because of the bad weather


News from Nitra:
Clouds, Rain, Clouds, Rain... so the oldies and the youngsters from the swissteam spent the restday in the bowlinghall.



24. April 2014, outlanding again!


yesterday was a bad day for the Swiss -Team... we lost a lot of points! Here were a lot of showers and we choose, easy to say, the wrong way!

today sadly wasnt even better! Only one of the pilots in 15m class was able to make it.
But there were few outlandings! A sort of them were quiet close to the finishring...! Unfortunately that doesn't count at all... we hope for more flyable days! 

good night!




21. April 2014, the whole class is on the fields around Nitra






today we had the 3rd "flyable day", even the task-setter and organisation was quite optimistic that we had to grid the gliders... after about 2h between 600 and 800m on the ridge all classes were in the air and the line get open! awesome 8/8 and 0 chance to make the task we decide to land safe on a small airstrip!

over 100 gliders in between 300m on one ridge....... after some safety briefings which we had over the last few days that procedure was quite weird!

tomorrow looks bad, but we're very optimistic to have some successful days this week!

good night!

20. April 2014, first valid AAT-Task


Greetings from Nitra,
todays flight was a tricky but challangeing AAT-Task between thunderstorms, rain showers and against a strong wind. Nevertheless we are happy with the result and hope for some further flyable days.


Start Nitra

18. April 2014, second trainingsday


we had some fun today 
greetings from nitra...


Teamflug 2F und Q2

16. April 2014, Way to Nitra


welcome to vienna... 120km to go to nitra... 2h stuck in traffic, small hail and a lot of showers... we hope to fly tomorrow 



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